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Prep Sports Board Oct 16th

Prep Weekly Sports Round Up Oct 16th

The House Captains for this year are:





Luella W

Holly S

Grace P

Poppy H

Amelia S

Olivia S

Clio S

Emelie G

These girls are working hard to come up with some virtual house competitions we can do after half term, so what this space.

Good luck girls, I hope you lead your Houses to Victory this year.

Inter House Events

Cross Country

Over the last few days of this half term all girls from Reception-Year 6 will be taking part in their inter house cross country event, please keep an eye on twitter for results and photos.

Year 2 Inter House Cross Country

Year 2 Inter House Cross Country Competition

Well done to Yr2 for completing their inter house XC and earning those very important HP for your houses!


In November girls in Year 4-6 will take part in their Inter house Hockey, which will be run during their games lessons, again results and photos will be shared on twitter and in the Friday Mailing.

Photos From The Week:

Prep Weekly Sports Round Up Oct 16th

Mrs Purgavie

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New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am