Welcome Back
A fantastic start to the term, wonderful to see all the facilities back in use!
Outside School Sporting News
We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email lplummer@notredame.co.uk)
Fixtures in September
Monday 12th September- U10A-D Netball v GHS (A) 3:30pm
Tuesday 13th September- U8-U11 XC @ St Catherine’s TBC
Saturday 17th September- U10A and U11A Hockey Tournament @ Downsend 8:30am
Monday 26th September- U11 Hockey v Tormead (H)
Tuesday 27th September- U11A-D Hockey v Rowan (Home and Away)
All of the sports fixtures can now be found on SOCS which can be accessed by clicking on the socs badge below:
(you should have been sent your password from the school office)