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School Library Board November 15th

Prep Non-Fiction November

Book Fair Thank You!

Rosemary Hill Books

Last Friday we welcomed Rosie Hill from Rosemary Hill Books for our Book Fair.

Girls in Years 1 – 6 visited the fair during the school day with their teachers whilst Early Years children were invited to attend after school with their parents or guardians. Rosie brought a huge selection of books with her! The Non-Fiction section was very popular this year!

Prep Book Fair

Due to the number of books sold, the Prep School Library has received a commission of free books, both fiction and non-fiction for the girls to enjoy. Thank you very much for your support

Commission Books from |Book Fair

Non-Fiction November

Non-Fiction November

Welcome to Non-Fiction November! This month, we’re celebrating the power of true stories, real events, and the wealth of knowledge found in non-fiction literature. This year, the theme for Non-Fiction November is “Why Don’t You? (Hobbies and Leisure).”

Research carried out by the National Literacy Trust in 2022, showed that children and young people who read non-fiction were motivated to read for educational purposes, to satisfy curiosities, to foster social connections and to support their mental wellbeing.

Within the Early Years, Non Fiction books enhance language development and children’s knowledge of the world around them.

“Non-fiction books are a brilliant way to engage readers and bring information alive.” National Literacy Trust.

During Library Lessons in the Prep School, children have been challenged to spend 2 minutes exploring a Non-Fiction Book or Magazine and share facts learnt with their peers. Curiosity has been sparked!

Prep Non-Fiction November

Senior School

Love Reading

LoveReading 4 Kids has an extensive list of information books for students of all ages, this Non-Fiction November.

Love reading

100 Great Information Books for Children this Non-Fiction November | LoveReading4Kids

Non-Fiction Titles

Non-Fiction Titles

Non-Fiction Titles

Non-Fiction Titles

Non-Fiction Titles

Non-Fiction Titles

We will be acquiring many of these recommended titles and discussing the importance of reading non-fiction during KS3 Library Lessons.

Mrs Kewley, Prep Librarian and Mrs Finch, Senior Librarian

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am