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Senior Library Board Feb 14th

Senior Library Feb 14

All American Literature

Millions of Superbowl fans tuned in yesterday to see one of the most prolific American sporting spectacles of the year. It was the second time in 3 years that the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs made it to the final, with the Eagles triumphant, beating the Chiefs 40 to 22 to become the NFL champions.
“So far, 20 different teams have won the Super Bowl. However, four teams- the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans – have never played in one. The 1972 Miami Dolphins are the only team to win the Super Bowl with a perfect season.”

Super Bowl Winners by Year: Complete List & 2025 Results

In the lead up to the event, some literary sites celebrated the occasion by listing what they consider to be the ‘best of American literature’. Here are some great American Classics as well as more contemporary novels which appeal to both children and adults. I have also included several favourite titles of the English Department…

Senior Library - All American LiteratureCharlotte's Web

HolesThe Hole

Anne of Green Gables

Wonder text

Hunger GamesHunger Games Text

Senior Library - All American LiteratureHuckleberry Finn Text

The Call of the WildThe Call of the Wild text

Moby DickMoby Dick Text

Little Women TextLittle Women Text

To Kill a Mocking Bird textTo Kill a Mocking Bird text

The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby

I KNow WHy The Caged Bird Sings textI KNow WHy The Caged Bird Sings text

The GRapes of Wrath textThe GRapes of Wrath text

The Colour Purple textThe Colour Purple text

On the Road textOn the Road text

The Crucible textThe Crucible text

Of Men and Mice Of Men and Mice text

Hemingway - The Old Man and The SeaHemingway - The Old Man and The Sea text

Revolutionary Road textRevolutionary Road text

Catch 22 textCatch 22 text

The Help TextThe Help Text

Streetcar Named Desire textStreetcar Named Desire text

Amenian Pastoral textAmenian Pastoral text

Useful Sites

25 American Classics Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lifetime (27 books) | Goodreads
The 18 Greatest Classic Books of American Literature, Ranked – whatNerd
The Greatest American Novels you should read

We have many of these titles in the Senior Library (Literary and Classics sections) and some are included in our holiday book review scheme.

Mrs Sharon Finch, Senior School Librarian

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