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Senior Sports Board May 13th

Sports Awards - Special Awards 2022

Celebration of Sports 2022

On Tuesday evening the inaugural Celebration of Sports took place in the Sports Hall. At Notre Dame our ambition for every students is that they leave us with a love of sport for life and that we give everyone a chance to find their sport. We were delighted to welcome parents and to celebrate the sporting success of their daughters in this special evening.

Full and Half Colours

Congratulations to all our wonderful athletes from Year 7 to 11 who received their half and full colours.

Sports Awards Colours 2022Sports Awards Colours 2022Sports Awards Colours 2022

Special Awards 

Sports Awards - Special Awards 2022

Team of the Year – Year 8 Hockey Team

Good Sport Award – Jess T, Ellie D and Eve G

Service to School sport – Emily S

Rookie of The Year – Tallulah R

Outstanding sporting Achievement – Sophie K, Chloe B, Luella D, Lexi T and Ella H

A huge thankyou to all our Senior Schools Sports Staff who always go above and beyond:

Miss Dudgeon, Ms Mason, Miss Mulcahy, Miss Lewis, Mr Mannering, Mrs Ridley.

Miss Paul, Head of Senior Sport

Cross Country

Year 8 Inter-House

Year 8 Inter House Cross Country

Yesterday afternoon we held the Yr8 inter house cross country. Well done to all those girls who took part and represented their houses!

Outside School Sporting Success

We love to hear about your daughters’ achievements in sport outside school. Please do share any photos and news with us and we will include it in the Friday Mailing! (email


ND Girls Complete SE Regionals in Style

Lexi T

Lexi T SE Regionals Medals May 2022

South East Regionals completed – 15 races all PB’s. Bronze in 200IM and 400M Freestyle. Silver in the tough 400IM with a 9 second PB !

Ella H

Ella H - SE Regionals Medals May 2022

After 2 long weekends at The South East Regionals, Ella did not disappoint! Her results over the 2 weeks were:

2 golds (50 & 100 free) – she is now South East Regional Champion in these 2 events

2 silvers (50 fly & 200 free)

1 bronze (100 fly) With some amazing pb’s

She is a year out of age to qualify at the English Nationals but at the moment is qualifying in 2-3 events.

We are delighted that Ella has officially qualified for 2 events, 50m and 100m freestyle, in the English Nationals being held in Sheffield at the beginning of August

Serena G

Serena qualified for 7 South East Regional Championships 2022 events. During the championship she managed some very good pbs.

Acro Gymnastics

Medals for Taylor

Acro Gymnastics MEdals for Taylor

Taylor’s competition season is over for this year.  Her trio competed really well and won medals at the following Acro gymnastics competitions: 2nd in the Regional Trials, 3rd in the South East Qualifiers and 3rd at the Tigers International Acro Cup.  
She is looking forward to her next season. 

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am