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Senior Sports Board May 28th

Year 9 Internal Tennis Tournament


This week after school there have been internal tennis tournaments for Years’ 7, 8 and 9, all of which have been played in a sporting and supportive atmosphere; congratulations to everyone who participated.

Year 8

In the Year 8 age group two separate doubles tournaments took place in a round-robin format. One tournament was won by Olivia O + Katie B, and the other tournament was won by Mhairi H + Sophia B.

Year 8 Tennis Tournament

Year 9

In the Year 9 tournament five doubles pairs took part and congratulations to Emily G and Annie C who were the overall winners, having accumulated the most points.

Year 9 Internal Tennis Tournament

External Sports Success!

Emma Wins Again!

Emma G Esher TC Singles and Doubles Winnerat

Congratulations to Emma G  with both of her tennis trophies won in both Esher Ladies Singles and Doubles competitions – an absolutely amazing achievement as she is only in Y9!


Sasha rowed in her first race regatta on Saturday as part of Kingston Rowing Club’s WJ14 Coxed Quad.

Sasha - Rwoing success Kingston Rowing Club

Her team performed really well to finish second overall. They beat Wimbledon High School by more than 6 boat lengths in the first round, beat Walton Rowing Club by a distance in the semi-final and then lost by half a boat length to Wimbledon Rowing Club in the final.

Thanks to all at Notre Dame for their continued support which allows Sasha to participate in squad sessions.