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Senior Sports Board Oct 2nd

Ciara-Rounders Bat Design Competition


Emily and Jemima at Charterhouse Hockey Camp

Congratulations to the following girls who attended Surrey Development Camps over the summer as a result of either their hockey club or Miss Dudgeon nominating them: Tilly K , Alexia W (Year 8), Connie L (Year 9), Emily S, Jemima J (Year 10), Josie S (Year 11). All the girls enjoyed the experience and received very positive and constructive feedback from the coaches leading the sessions.

Rounders Design Competition

Ciara-Rounders Bat Design Competition

Congratulations to Ciara S who was the winner of a national competition last term. One of the tasks set by the PE staff during remote learning was to enter a national competition to design a rounders bat and poster and Ciara was selected as the national senior winner. Below is a copy of the letter she received informing her that she had won:

Dear Ciara

Congratulations! We are delighted to announce that your entry into our 2020 Aresson Design a Bat Competition has been selected as winner of the Senior Category. We loved your rainbow themed bat in support of the NHS and your poster showcasing a range of drills to hone your rounders skills from home! We will be sharing these on social media over the coming week.

We will be painting your unique design onto a real bat over the coming weeks and will send your painted bat and your prize, a NEW Aresson Vision X Bat and Ball pack, in time for the start of the Autumn term.

Yours sincerely

Sophie Wilkinson

Aresson Marketing Manager

Do you take part in a sport to a high level out of school?

If so, we would love to hear about what you do, together with a photo, so that we can include a piece about you on our PE Achievements Noticeboard.

Please email Miss Dudgeon ( with your information and photo.

Miss Dudgeon

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am