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Senior Sports Board Oct 9th

GCSE Netball Skills


Althea Gibson

As part of Black History Month, GCSE PE girls learnt about the incredible

this week! In 1956, she became the first African American to win a Grand Slam title


GCSE Netball Skills

GCSE PE girls working to improve co-ordination and ball handling skills.

Year 11 Netball Squad Training

Year 11 netball squad: 2 teams, 2 challengers, 1 gauntlet! #competition


Year 8 Rounders Skills

Year 8 PE – Hitting practice! 


Year 7 Athletics Lesson Warm Up

Year 7 girls getting ready for a challenging athletics lesson!

Miss Paul, Head of PE

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am