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Sky Arts Bird Competition Update

Sky Arts Bird Competition - Etta

We are delighted to report that Etta (Y6) is a runner up in the Sky Arts Bird Competition and her work will be on the website and video below!

Sky Arts Bird Competition

Sky Access All Arts received over 1500 entries from 144 schools for the ‘Painting Birds’ competition. Jim and Nancy loved seeing the amazing artwork pupils produced and selected 37 to feature in the final show plus a further 20 as runners up.  Etta H (Year 6) was chosen as one of the runners up out of 1500 entries!

Click on the image below to watch the video and see Etta’s entry.

Sky Arts Bird Competition - Etta

Congratulations Etta, it is wonderful to have a representative from Notre Dame Prep make it through to runner up in this competition in Sky Arts Week.

Well done to everyone that entered. Your work will be coming home soon!

Mrs Brennan, Head of Prep Art

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am