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Staff Farewells 2024

Farewell and Thank You

It is that time of year when we say farewell to staff members who are retiring or moving on to pastures new!

A huge thank you to them all for their valued contributions to Notre Dame and we wish them well in their next chapter:

Senior School

Mrs Vanessa Catalano – Head Science Technician
Mrs Karen Franco – Head of Economics & Business and Year 12
Mr Alistair Hodgson – Head of Music
Xi Jiang – Teacher of Maths
Ms Olivia Rusholme – Head of English

Prep School

Miss Gerry Deen – Head of Infants
Miss Hannah Walker – Year 5 Teacher

Peripatetic Teaching Staff

Christopher Green – Visiting Music teacher (Flute)
Rachel Thomas – Visiting Ballet Teacher

Estates and Marketing and Admissions Teams

Elizabeth Hurst Frost – Estates Operations Manager
Wendy Ratcliffe – Admissions Manager
Emma Wood – Head of Marketing and Admissions

Mrs King, Headmistress Senior School and Mrs Morgan, Headmistress Prep School