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Y7 History Trip to Windsor

Y7 History Trip to Windsor

Year 7 enjoyed a glorious trip to Windsor Castle on a beautiful June day.
The sun was shining as the girls experienced the true magic of being in the grounds of the world’s oldest inhabited castle, with its origins being during the reign of William the Conqueror.
With the Royal Standard swaying in the breeze, there was much excitement at the prospect of catching a glimpse of King Charles! As the king was in residence, we were treated to a special changing of the guard and full military procession which followed.
Bringing to life the Medieval period which the girls have studied this year, they took part in a 1066 Workshop, even getting the opportunity to dress up!
The State Apartments provided an insight into the lives of the kings and queens of the past and the girls were in awe of the beauty of St George’s Chapel, whilst being humbled by visiting the final resting place of Queen Elizabeth II.
A truly wonderful day was had by all.

Miss Comber, History and Theology Teacher

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