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Year 1 Trip to Elmbridge Eco Hub

Year 1 Trip to Eco Hub

Year 1 enjoyed visiting Elmbridge Eco Hub this morning. First we visited the community garden and discovered all of the fruits and vegetables that grow there. Then we went inside and found the community fridge, book and puzzle swap and a cupboard full of things that can be borrowed by grown ups! We learnt that it’s far better to borrow and share than throw away. After our snack, we put our cores and peel in the compost and recycled our packets. We were given a book to bring home and a hair scrunchie which used to be a school dress!

Elmbridge Eco Hub is open to everyone, and run by a team brilliant of volunteers.

Please do visit if you can! – Here is the link to their website

All of the photos can be seen on Firefly by clicking on the link below.

Mrs Sargeant, Prep School Teacher

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Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

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Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am