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Year 3 History Trip to Butser Farm

Year 3 Trip to Butser Farm

Year 3 launched their Roman topic with an unforgettable visit to Butser Ancient Farm, where they explored the transition from the Stone Age to the Roman era.

The trip provided a unique insight into how life evolved over time, offering a glimpse into the contrast between prehistoric and Roman Britain. Pupils toured reconstructed Stone Age and Roman buildings, comparing the significant changes in tools, homes, and daily life across the centuries.

They also took part in hands-on activities that vividly brought ancient skills to life, such as jewellery making, constructing walls with homemade clunch stone, fort building, and crafting pottery from clay.

This immersive experience ignited their curiosity and enthusiasm, laying a strong foundation for their upcoming lessons on the Romans in Britain.

Miss Harris, Head of Year 1-3

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