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Infant Good Work Assembly January 13th

Infant Good Work Assembly

This week’s assembly was all about celebrating New Year!

Infant Assembly - Jan 13th - New Year

Miss Harris started the assembly by asking whether the girls had ever celebrated New Year and if so what did they do?

She talked about how different cities celebrate New Year and that it does not begin at the same moment in every country. This is because there are many different time zones around the world.

It is a time to look back and think about the things that have happened in the past year and looking forward to the year ahead. Many people make new year’s resolutions, what sort of promises have the girls made? We are looking forward to a fantastic Spring Term together and can’t wait to celebrate all of the wonderful things the girls will achieve!

Stars of The Week

Congratulations to this week’s stars of the week: Special mention to Francesca for receiving a ski badge for her fantastic slalom race!

Infant Assembly - Jan 13th

Happy Birthday to the following girls who celebrated their birthdays during the holidays and this week!


Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

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