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Emilia Roberts at Samsung and Dyson

The university term is coming to an end and soon many of our talented alumnae aged 19-22 will be looking for graduate schemes, internships, summer jobs and work experience. Can you help? We are looking for opportunities in all types of industry from accountancy to veterinary science and everything in between.

Emilia Roberts at Samsung and Dyson

As we all know, practical experience can make all the difference to a job application. Just one example is alumna Emilia Roberts, who was lucky enough to secure a paid internship at Samsung in Chertsey as part of her Marketing and Management degree and is now four years into an impressive European marketing career with tech giant Dyson.

If you have any opportunities, please email Alumnae Manager Ros Roberts at She has an extensive database of our alumnae currently at university, and graduating this summer, so can try to match you with a Notre Dame alumna studying a relevant degree to your business. Thank you!

Ros Roberts, Alumnae Manager

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm