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Prep Library Board October 11th

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2024

Dyslexia Awareness Week 7-13 October 2024

The goal of the British Dyslexia Association is to create a dyslexia friendly society by raising awareness of dyslexia and challenging common misconceptions.

This year’s theme is “What’s Your Story?” It has three key messages and one call to action:

Every story is different – showcasing the diversity of the dyslexic community and highlighting that everyone’s experience of dyslexia is unique. 10% of the population are dyslexic – that’s over 6.7 million stories to tell.

A strong opening sets the scene – raising awareness of the importance of early identification and intervention to ensure that every person with dyslexia can flourish.

It’s never too late to change your story – highlighting how the BDA can provide support and signposting to help dyslexic people begin a new chapter.

Further information is available at:

Dyslexia Awareness Week – British Dyslexia Association (

Within the Prep and Senior Libraries, we have a range of super readable dyslexia-friendly fiction for different ages and abilities.

Book Titles Barrington Toke

Barington Stokes Books

Barrington Stoke Homepage – Collins

We also have a range of books featuring characters with dyslexia

Book Titles - CHaracters With Dyslexia

Chatterbooks Recommends

Ariana, Year 6 has recommended the Starlight Stables Series to the Year 5 and 6 Prep Girls. The books focus on friendship, family and inclusivity. Written by Esme Higgs and co-author Jo Cotterill. Ariana met Esme Higgs at a book fair last year, they share the love of horses. Ariana was excited to discover that one of the characters in the first story has dyslexia as has the author. Esme quoted “it was discovered quite late, but it explains why I always felt I had to work twice as hard as everyone else at school. In a way, that has helped me develop the mindset of “don’t give up” and “you can do this.”

“Esme Higgs is one of the biggest influencers in the equestrian world – with more than one million followers. She’s a writer, presenter, video producer – and a horse-mad ordinary girl. Her online videos are a mix of tutorials, horse care videos and vlogs about her horses (Mickey, Joey, Casper and Duke) and her life. She is also a proud ambassador for the charity Brooke, and works closely with other charities such as World Horse Welfare, and the Riding for the Disabled Association.”

Starlight Stables Gand

The Starlight Stables Gang • This Esme

Mrs Kewley, Prep School Librarian