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Prep School Harvest Mass

Prep Harvest Mass 2024

Thank you to all those in the Prep School who participated in and contributed to the Harvest Mass.


It was a joyful occasion with Fr Stephen presiding and Lestonnac Choir performing.  Thank you to Mrs Walker, our previous instrumental teacher of cello and recorder, and Mr Wheatley playing the Bodhran, who joined Mrs Shaw in the folk band. Thank you also to Mr Whiting for conducting, and to Molly C in ND6 for supporting the choir.

Well done to all our altar servers and readers. It was wonderful to see all the gifts collected for Cobham Food Bank, in the spirit of Francis of Assisi whose feast day is today, remembering those less fortunate than ourselves. It was lovely to welcome parents to this event.

A big thank you goes to Mr George our chaplain for organising the Mass, the readers, the servers and the collection of gifts.

Well done to all the Prep School for your wonderful singing!

Congratulations to our new Prep Chaplaincy Reps who were presented with their badges by Fr Stephen after Mass:

Mrs Shaw, Head of Prep Music & Instrumental Studies