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Year 2 – Great Fire of London

Y2 Great Fire of London - Forest School

Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a reenactment of the Great Fire of London.

Mrs Maltby (Forest School Leader) helped recreate the moment a spark caught on fire in the bakery on Pudding Lane. She led the girls to decide how to help Mary (the bakers maid), escape through the window to safety.
Sadly, in real life, Mary did not survive as she was scared of heights. The girls worked as a team and came up with clever ideas how to save her. They thought about using a rope tied to a window to lower herself to safety as well as a ladder she could climb safely down.
Mrs Maltby was very impressed with the girls knowledge of fire safety and the lessons we have learned since the Great Fire of London, such as rebuilding with harder, less flammable materials and allowing space in between so fires can’t spread as quickly.

A fabulous finish four our first topic, well done Year 2!

Mrs Botham, Prep Teacher & Mrs Petzer TA