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Year 7 Stemettes 3D Printing

Year 7 Stemettes Visit Year 1

The Year 7 STEMETTES had a project to “use CAD to design a vehicle with five wheels that can carry a pencil”.

After half a term of design and prototyping, the final products were printed using our 3D printer.

You can watch a timelapse of the 3D printing by clicking on the image below:

3d Printing Timelapse

They were delighted to share their hard work with Mrs Plummer, who was in the middle of a Year 1 ICT lesson in the Prep School. The opportunity was magical as the Year 7 girls were able to share their work with their little sisters who were so excited to see them!

As it was lunchtime the Year 7 girls were able to stay for the rest of the lesson and so the Year 1 girls enjoyed sharing what they had been doing with their big sisters, who were given the challenge of trying to complete their grouping games.

✨ It’s so special to see big sisters interacting with their little sisters. The joy of being an all-through girls school.

Click here to watch the session on our Instagram Reel

Louise Plummer, Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager

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Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

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NEXT Open Event

Thursday 13th February, 9.30am - 12pm