Pastoral Care
Support & Accompaniment
The Pastoral Care System within Notre Dame functions throughout the Prep and Senior Schools. It is the building block upon which the learning and growth of the individual takes place and is based on the key principles of support and ‘accompaniment’ as in our Mission Statement.
Pastoral Care at Our
Prep School
‘Project Florecer’ is our all-encompassing, on-going vision that unites all we are at Notre Dame Prep School. Our motto is ‘Love, Learn, Flourish’. All new pupils are allocated a ‘friend’ from within their own class to accompany them through their first days in school (and this allocation will continue as long as the pupil will benefit from it).
Pupils know clearly through PSHEE lessons and Circle Times the expected code of behaviour and how to seek help if they are unhappy.

Pastoral Care at Our
Senior School
The Form staff are managed and led by a team of Year Heads and the Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral). Weekly pastoral year team meetings focus on the needs of students and are an effective way of keeping each team updated and informed so that we can best support our girls.
The school radiates a caring attitude. Relationships are excellent between pupils, staff and pupils, and staff and parents. Older pupils happily mix with younger ones, a characteristic fostered by the school’s ‘Big Sister’ scheme for Year 7 pupils, many of whom feel proud to have a 6th former as a mentor and friend. Peer Mentors, drawn from our Year 10 and Year 12 pupils, work with the ‘Big Sisters’. These Mentors are trained with an introduction to counselling skills. Peer Mentors are themselves supported by the pastoral staff, who assist them to perform their roles with confidence.
Each girl in Years 10 and 11 has an Academic Mentor from amongst the staff. Regular one-to-one meetings are held to monitor each girl’s progress and to fully support each pupil to maximise their learning.
Spirituality &
our gospel values
Our chapel is situated right in the centre of our school. This appropriately symbolises the fact that spiritual development, in the form of deepening understanding of ourselves, of our relationships with others, and of our relationship with God, is at the heart of the life of our school.
The spiritual life of the school is underpinned by the teachings of the Gospels and the charism given to St Jeanne de Lestonnac. Understanding of the charism of St Jeanne is lived out through practical actions within and beyond the school community and in opportunities for personal spiritual development. Mass is celebrated in school on our two annual feast days and on other key dates within the year.
From Nursery to Sixth Form, through prayer, guided reflection, liturgy and focussed reflection days, we seek to deepen understanding of the teachings of St Jeanne and put into practice each and every day the Gospel values of faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians:13)
No-One is left behind
Notre Dame School aims to ensure that ALL pupils enjoy a broad and balanced education that meets individual needs. The majority of children progress and achieve success within the general school arrangements; however it may be that some children will be identified as having particular learning difficulties. The school aims for the early identification of any such needs and to remove any barriers to learning, through a personalised education which brings out the best in every child and recognises learning differences.
Looked after from
the very first day
“Pastoral care is first class… it’s central: ‘Pupils need to be happy and then successful in that order.’ Wellbeing mentors who are non-teaching members of staff are trained in Lego therapy, bereavement, drawing and talking, and emotional literacy. There’s also a therapy dog, wellbeing ambassadors, peer mentoring (all Year 10s get training) and a buddy system that sees every Year 7 pupil paired with a Year 12 ‘big sister’. There’s a medical room, a chaplain and a psychotherapist on site, and pupils can go to any member of staff, from tutors to heads of year, with a problem… ‘The girls never feel like they have a problem and don’t know what to do,’ … There’s even a wellbeing mentor on duty during weekends and holidays. ‘We feel support from everyone,’ says one sixth-former.”
Talk Education
Learning Support
Learning Support at Notre Dame is provided for pupils with mild Specific Learning Difficulties and can include:
Increased subject differentiation
Personalised support strategies
Teaching assistant support (Nursery and Pre-Preparatory)
Small group support
Drop-in subject support
Study skills
Specialist 1:1 tutoring
The tutoring staff of the Learning Support Department work with students, teachers and parents to enable those pupils who may require extra help to learn and develop to their fullest potential. Tutors have a specialist qualification in Specific Learning Difficulties or are subject specialist teachers of Mathematics. Specialist qualified tutoring can also be provided for pupils with EAL.