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Little Star Writing

Run after school on a Friday, we offer children’s creative writing workshops that nurture aspiring authors and reluctant writers, support individual ideas and expressions, and promote the inspiring and rewarding nature of writing. As well as covering a range of topics from short stories and poetry, to song lyrics, comedy sketches and script-writing, LSW use a series of games, activities, competitions and group work to encourage students and advance their skills in a fun and relaxed environment.  We believe there is a Little Star Writer in everyone, and we can help them SHINE!


Chatterbooks Book Club

This weekly club promotes reading in a lively and hands on way and is especially for keen readers in Years 5 and 6. We meet each week to look at different themes and discover more about new books and authors through activities, discussion, quizzes and games.

Library Club

During afternoon activities breaks the Prep Library is used for quiet reading, selecting books, individual research and completing Accelerated Reader quizzes. Girls in Year 6 may visit the senior library one day each week allowing them access to a greater range of material.

ICT Club

Each Junior year group is assigned one club session per week. Girls are invited on a ‘drop-in’ basis to pursue any ICT activity. This is commonly coding, typing or creating games. Girls are encouraged to collaborate with their peers during these informal sessions and to assist one another. Year 6 ICT prefects are encouraged to support the younger pupils.

French Club

As well as Spanish, the girls are offered the opportunity to learn French as an extra-curricular activity. There are currently two different clubs, aimed at different ages to allow every girl to work at the right level for her: one club for Years 1 and 2 and one for KS2. The first club focusses on developing the girls’ confidence and love of French through songs and games whereas the KS2 club focusses more on improving the accuracy of their speaking and writing in a fun and relaxed environment.

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To Suit Your Family

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am