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Senior School

Learning Without Limits

The Senior School provides every girl with a broad, balanced and rigorous academic education which allows for continuity and progression whilst recognising that each girl possesses her own unique combination of gifts and talents. Being an all-girls school means there is no gender stereotyping so our students can learn without limits.

From day one, students are challenged by a balanced, yet wide-ranging curriculum, delivered by highly-qualified subject specialists. There are many opportunities to develop talents and passions in sport, STEM, art, drama and music, as well as ensuring academic rigour in the core subjects, languages and humanities.


A Message from the head

At Notre Dame we are unashamedly holistic. Our students are at the centre of everything we do, and their physical and mental well-being is every bit as important as their wonderful academic, sporting and creative achievements.

The Senior School is a busy and happy community brimming with the perfect combination of focussed energy and relaxed authenticity.

We welcome you to find out more about our school, either on these pages or via a personal visit; do please contact us if you have any questions.

Mrs Anna King
Senior Headmistress

Gcse Results

Our congratulations go out to our 2024 GCSE cohort who achieved excellent results. We are really proud of every student.

img - outdoor sports

Able, Gifted & Talented

In the Senior School, our Able, Gifted & Talented Programme is called Above & Beyond the Curriculum (ABC). Across the academic years there is a wealth of enrichment activities that challenge the more able. All years can participate in the UK Maths Challenge and our older pupils attend the ‘Maths in Action’ lectures which are delivered by leading academics. Our most talented scientists participate in the British Science Association’s Crest Awards which allow pupils to investigate a topic of their choice under the guidance of our staff. In languages our Year 8 students visit Southampton University to investigate the language courses they offer and the career opportunities they can lead to.

Other school-based provision varies according to subject area and is covered using a variety of methods:

  • School-based clubs
  • School societies/councils
  • Enrichment visits
  • Academic conferences
  • Opportunities for performance such as public speaking and plays
  • A well-stocked library with further reading material
  • Partnerships with other schools, further education institutes and higher education institutes
"The GSA's findings indicate that girls educated in single-sex environments exhibit greater confidence and emotional intelligence. This is attributed to teaching methods tailored to girls' needs and the prominence of female role models. At Notre Dame School, we prioritize creating an environment where our students can thrive personally and academically. "
Girls' Schools Association (GSA)

Book a Private Tour

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am