Very able children are those with marked academic ability or potential, and talented children who have high ability or potential in sport or the visual/performing arts.
In line with the mission statement of the school, all pupils are given a broad, balanced and relevant education which provides continuity and progression and takes individual differences into account. Pupils are provided with a wide range of opportunities that seek to identify and develop talents in artistic, cultural and sporting pursuits as well as the academic. The specific procedure will vary according to subject area but will include elements of the following:
- Data from standardised tests and assessments
- Professional observation
- Peer nomination
- Parental nomination
- Information from previous schools
Most skills can generally be developed through appropriate use of setting and effective differentiation within the classroom.
In the Prep there are many opportunities within and beyond the curriculum to participate in activities to stretch and challenge the able learners. We offer a broad balance, helping all to use their skills and talents.

Across the academic year in the Seniors there is a wealth of enrichment activities that challenge the more able. Girls in all year groups have the opportunity to participate in the UK Maths Challenge and our older pupils attend the ‘Maths in Action’ lectures which are delivered by leading academics. Our most talented scientists participate in the British Science Association’s Crest Awards which allows pupils to investigate a topic of their choice under the guidance of our staff. In Languages our Year 7 students take part in the Spelling Bee competition and Year 11 students visit Southampton University.Â
Other school based provision varies according to subject area and is covered using a variety of methods:
- School based clubs
- School societies/ councils
- Enrichment visits
- Academic conferences
- Opportunities for performance such as public speaking and plays
- A well-stocked library with further reading material
- Partnerships with other schools, further education institutes and higher education institutes