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Senior Curriculum Overview

Throughout Notre Dame, the curriculum is our springboard to provide a broad, balanced and relevant education which prepares our young people for the exciting world beyond our walls. Students are taught a wide range of subjects by specialist in those areas, who help nurture both passion and talent.

Intertwined with subject knowledge, is a desire to teach students to love learning so that they leave us as independent, confident, adaptable and resilient young women, ready to take on the world.

Key Stage 3 – Years 7-9

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students study a very diverse range of academic, creative and practical subjects. These include RE, English, Maths, Science (delivered from Year 7 as Chemistry, Physics and Biology by subject specialists), History, Geography, Food and Nutrition, PSHEE, Languages, Drama, Textiles, Computer Science, Music and Physical Education. From Year 8 students are able to choose which two languages they wish to pursue further from Spanish, French and Latin. Students have PE lessons as well as weekly games sessions, where fixtures are sometimes played.

From Year 7, Mathematics is set by ability but most subjects are taught in mixed ability groups but with smaller groups for practical subjects to ensure individual attention and help is always given when needed. In Year 8, English and Languages are also set by ability and Science is taught in the Maths sets.

Throughout the whole school, the curriculum can be adapted to meet the needs for all students both in lessons but also by changing the number of subjects a student studies. Students who have individual learning support, can choose to have learning support in place of a language.


Key Stage 4 – GCSE – Years 10 & 11

Students choose their GCSE courses during Year 9 and are encouraged to maintain a breadth in their subject choices. Most students study between nine and 11 GCSEs, with some students opting for 12. The core curriculum at KS4 includes maths, English literature and language, RE (theology) and either double or triple science.

Students can choose three option subjects from a list of 12. Most students will continue with a language; whilst this is strongly encouraged, we look at each student as an individual. There is also time for enrichment built into the curriculum, with some students also studying further maths or an HPQ (higher project qualification). Students still have weekly games sessions and PSHE.

Key Stage 5 – A Level
Years 12 & 13

In the sixth form, students choose freely from the 28 A Level subjects on offer. Most students will study three A Levels and build very close relationships with their teachers and tutors, who support them through university applications as well as being on hand to support them with their academic studies. Many students complete an EPQ (an extended independent project qualification), which further helps them prepare for life at university. Outside of academic lessons, students also engage in a general studies programme, where essential PSHE education is delivered with the varied programme covering everything from car maintenance to vital careers advice.

img - girl student in science class
We recognise and nurture strengths, identify and resolve weaknesses, and encourage individuality and independence.

GCSE Subjects & options

This enables students to explore a range of two and three dimensional approaches, across all key stages. We aim to improve students’ understanding of the visual language through comprehensive schemes of work that are inclusive, exciting and beyond the realms of ‘school art’.

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By following the Computing curriculum, students develop their computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights…

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At Notre Dame School, the Drama Department’s philosophy is to nurture each individual’s ability and develop their potential within the scope of the performing arts and wider appreciation of dramatic literature and theatre history.

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The focus of the teaching of English at Notre Dame is fundamentally on reading, writing, speaking and interaction. Our philosophy stems from fostering a love of the English Language in all of its forms: from classic literature to modern texts

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In Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils study Food and Nutrition for half the academic year and undertake a practical and written examination at the end of each module. Independent learning is rewarded…

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Geography is about understanding the world around us and how we interact with that world. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface, the human societies that inhabit and how they both change over time.

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The History Department at Notre Dame aims to make the subject exciting, interesting and relevant to all pupils through a wide array of teaching methods including role plays, debates, computer simulations and research tasks.

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In Languages we are a team of dynamic teachers who strive to provide all pupils with a positive and successful language learning experience…

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Mathematics lessons are delivered in well-equipped classrooms, each with an interactive whiteboard. The use of ICT in Mathematics is encouraged (either in ICT suites or in class via student notebooks). 

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The Music Department motto is “Give It a Go” and everyone is welcome to join in the activities on offer with choirs, orchestra, concert band, string ensemble, jazz group and whole school performance opportunities including the House Music competition.

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Pupils are taught a wide range of sports in lessons using the excellent on-site facilities. The girls at Notre Dame thrive on the many opportunities to take part in competitive sport, with a strong House system as well as a fixture programme full of matches.

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The Notre Dame Science Department aims to bring science alive, igniting curiosity and stimulating interest through a wide variety of practical activities and engaging written tasks. The core focus of the dedicated team of teachers and…

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In Design and Technology Textiles the pupils pride themselves on the quality of their practical skills and the quality of their finished products.

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As a Catholic school we greatly value the formal teaching of Theology and it forms an integral part of the curriculum.

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Opportunities for personal, social, moral, spiritual and cultural education are an integral part of the curriculum. We want our pupils to be prepared not only for the next stage of education but for lifelong learning and be able to take their place in the world as confident young women, secure in their values, and able to make their own contribution to society.

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