This enables students to explore a range of two and three dimensional approaches, across all key stages. We aim to improve students’ understanding of the visual language through comprehensive schemes of work that are inclusive, exciting and beyond the realms of ‘school art’.
As specialist, energetic art teachers, who exemplify high standards of teaching, we are dedicated to providing students with an art education they will not only remember, but will benefit from in other aspects of their education, through developing aesthetic understanding, forming critical judgements and strengthening their ability to communicate independent ideas and synthesise information.

Underpinning our curriculum is a rich contextual content. Students are inspired by a wealth of artists, crafts people and designers and their ever changing world. They develop an understanding of the inter-relationships, audiences and consumers of art, craft and design. We strongly believe that drawing is a fundamental subject skill, a breadth of drawing media is used for a wide range of purposes, including for recording, experimenting, analysing, and developing ideas. Both the GCSE and A Level students are entered for the Edexcel syllabus.
The art rooms are available to students at lunchtime and after school. We encourage attendance to masterclasses at The Tate and The Saturday Art courses at University College of Art in Epsom. There is an annual trip to Barcelona for examination students as well as regular visits to London galleries and Museums. We also have several art competitions throughout the school year.