Mathematics lessons are delivered in well-equipped classrooms, each with an interactive whiteboard. The use of ICT in Mathematics is encouraged (either in ICT suites or in class via student notebooks). Every girl has her own unique log-in for software which enables her to access up-to-date revision and practice material encouraging independent learning both in school and at home.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 girls are taught in ability sets and movement between sets is considered at the end of each term.

In Year 7 we aim to consolidate and build on previous knowledge. We encourage confidence in solving problems through the use of number, algebra, geometry and handling data. In Year 8 and Year 9 this is continued to enable each girl to make good progress in readiness for starting her GCSE course. GCSE topics are introduced at this stage to allow our girls to feel at ease when they start the course in Year 10. The girls receive regular verbal and written feedback from their teacher and a record of achievement allows them to track their progress and set targets for future development.
We urge girls to explore the world of Mathematics outside of normal lessons. The department runs a lunchtime support class every week where the department are available for girls to receive support and enrichment. We encourage confident problem solvers through competitions, puzzles and numeracy days. For the more able we participate in the individual and team UKMT Mathematics Challenges.

Further enrichment opportunities continue at Key Stage 4 with participation in the Intermediate UKMT Challenge, Year 10 Maths Feast (run by FMSP) and Maths in Action lectures.
All girls are thoroughly prepared for their examinations at the end of Year 11 and for further study of the subject at A Level and we continue to enjoy a record of strong academic success.