Sixth Form can be very daunting and the transition can appear scary. At Notre Dame we work hard to ensure a smooth transition from Year 11 into the Sixth Form.
In Year 11 the students are expected to take a more independent approach to their studies, using Firefly to take responsibility for the organisation of their work. The work set becomes increasingly independent and lessons more collaborative.

To support the transitions, more events are held between Year 11 and the Sixth Form, enabling the girls to understand how their time will be used. General Studies speakers talk to both Year 11 and the Sixth Form. The Head of Sixth Form meets with all Year 11 girls to aid them through their A Level choices and they are able to talk through these at any time.
In order to help your daughter prepare for Sixth Form, it may be prudent to ensure there is a quiet space for study; for every hour of taught lessons, each Sixth Former should be doing an hour of independent study – it is vital every student has somewhere quiet they can work. Encourage your daughter to read widely and take an interest in current affairs. Many of the A Level courses require an element of wider contemporary knowledge, simply being aware of the daily news via the BBC app will pay dividends. And finally, encourage your daughter to ask questions about her learning. A Level study is about applying and evaluating the knowledge that the student is being taught. These higher level skills come when a student can question and consolidate their understanding not just simple regurgitate what they have been taught.
One of the most important skills for successful A Level study is communication; remember to talk to us! If there are worries or concerns, we can help.