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Educational visits and trips are for many people the best remembered part of their school days. At Notre Dame we strive to ensure that our girls have many opportunities to create memories which will last them a life time. In our view educational visits have a hugely beneficial impact on the learning of our girls. By taking the learning beyond the classroom our students have the opportunity to experience rather than just read or hear about what they study.

Senior Trips:

Walking the battlefields of the First World War, measuring the flow of rivers and viewing the Hadron Collider in Cern all bring a new dimension to students’ understanding of their learning. Aside from the academic enhancement which trips bring, they also provide an opportunity for the girls to get together socially. Residential trips such as our adventure holidays and ski trips helps generate the strong community spirit which exists within the school. Our annual reflection days bring a spiritual dimension to our girls’ trip experiences and teach them about the importance of relationships with each other and god.

It is difficult to encompass all the many visits which take place each year, but they include:

Year 7 & 8 are invited to the Easter Ski Trip, PGL, Day trips to Dover Castle, museums, Geography fieldtrips.

Year 9-11:

  • Language Exchange Programme: French, Spanish and German students
  • PGL
  • Various day trips to the theatre; Geography Fieldtrips
  • Ypres battlefield tour
  • Berlin residential trip
  • Maths lectures and masterclasses
  • Science masterclasses
  • Languages events

Sixth Form

  • Have their own Ski Trip during the Christmas Holiday
  • Every alternate year the netball teams go on tour
  • Drama students attend a variety of Theatre performances
  • Geography students have Field Trips
  • Science students attend lectures
  • Art and History of Art students visit Florence
  • Language, Maths and Theology lecture days

The health and safety of our girls is always at the forefront of our minds when planning an off-site visit. This is why we have a robust risk assessment procedure which is followed for all our trips and parents are fully informed by letter before any such visit takes place. To provide further reassurance we communicate regularly with our parents through our Notre Dame Twitter account which posts pictures and updates throughout the visit. @NotreDame_Trips

We Offer Exclusive Visits
To Suit Your Family

visit our
next Open Event

Friday MArch 7th 9.00am - 11.30am

New Bus Route

Cobham to Godalming via Guildford

Visit our
NEXT Open Event

Friday 7th March, 9.00am - 11.30am