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Your A Level Choices

Choosing the right combination of subjects to study at A Level is important. Your A Levels will help pave the way towards your next steps beyond ND6.


27 Subjects On Offer At A Level

Each student applying here will have an individual choices interview with a senior member of staff to make sure that the subject group is appropriate and will fit well with their likely university routes.
Extended Project Qualification In addition to the A Levels below, we also offer an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Level 3.

The A Level in art, craft and design is a broad-based course of study, developed through a range of 2D, 3D and time-based processes and media approaches. This includes fine art, graphic communication, textile design, 3D design and photography. The course has three major
elements: supporting studies, practical work, and a personal study.

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The photography course is a two-year linear
A Level with an emphasis on digital photography and Photoshop. You will be introduced to a variety of photography techniques, media and processing. Within this course, photography can include works in film, video, digital imaging and light-sensitive materials.

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During the A Level textiles course, students will be introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of textile media, techniques and processes. Students can decide to work in one or more areas of textile design, such as fashion/wearable art, printed and/or dyed fabric and materials, constructed textiles such as knit or weave, textile installation or interior design.

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Biology involves the study of a wide range of exciting topics, ranging from molecular biology to the study of ecosystems and from micro-organisms to mammoths.

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A Level business looks at all aspects of the business world, from starting your own enterprise to being part of a larger corporation.

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Chemistry A Level provides a real in-depth knowledge of this fascinating subject, preparing you for further education or giving you the credentials to enhance your job prospects. The course is underpinned by the practical skills we call ‘How Science Works’.

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This course aims to develop an interest in and enthusiasm for the classical world and to acquire, through studying a variety of appropriate sources, knowledge and understanding of the classical world.

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Computer science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world systems. It’s an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.

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A Level dance is a dynamic qualification which encourages students to develop their creative and intellectual capacity, alongside transferable skills such as team working, communication and problem solving. The specification reflects both historical and current dance practices, making it more relevant, and inspires a lifelong passion and appreciation for dance. 

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You will gain a deeper understanding of the creative process of theatre; the social, cultural and historical influences on drama writing, theatre production and performance, exploring how plays are brought to life by actors, directors and practitioners.

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Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on the rest of society. It relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to those made by governments and businesses.

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This highly engaging course explores many fascinating aspects of the English language – the words we use, hear and read every day. You will explore and critically engage with a wide range of spoken, written and online texts as well as developing your own analytical and creative writing skills.

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The English literature A Level gives students the chance to attain a broad overview of literature through the ages and across genres. It prepares students to study English literature at degree level and allows them to choose an area of literature that they are passionate about. It incorporates several other subject areas, such as history, philosophy, theology, science, sociology, drama and politics and would marry well with any of these subjects.

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This Level 3 Applied Diploma in food science and nutrition is an Applied General Qualification designed primarily to support learners progressing to university. It has been designed to offer exciting, interesting experiences that focus learning through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful, work-related contexts, linked to the food production industry.

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Geography is a dynamic discipline which seeks to explain how aspects of the natural world interact with human activities. This raises questions about how the physical environment affects us and how we impact on the physical phenomena. In particular it investigates how sustainable this relationship is and helps students to consider and evaluate alternative ways forward.

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The course is designed to build on the knowledge and skills acquired at GCSE. It offers a diverse blend of both modern and Tudor history, whilst focusing on how governments maintain control. Throughout the course, students will encounter a wide range of interesting and influential characters who have helped shape the modern world such as Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King and Adolf Hitler.

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If you like painting, sculpture and architecture then you’ll love this course. Over two years, the history of art course will provide you with the skills to understand and appreciate western art and architecture and visual culture. You will explore links between art, its contents and its contexts, developing the skills to evaluate art and its importance in the world.

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A Level Latin allows learners to develop their understanding of the Latin language and the related ancient literature, values and society. It will introduce learners to a wide range of vocabulary, accidence and syntax. A Level Latin involves an in-depth study of Latin prose and verse.

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In mathematics A Level, you will extend your mathematical knowledge and skills and learn about new areas of mathematics such as calculus.

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Further mathematics A Level may be taken in addition to mathematics A Level. Further mathematics is an extension of the regular A Level course and will provide you with a challenge and the opportunity to explore new and more sophisticated mathematical concepts.

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Choosing an A Level language offers you an exciting range of career possibilities. The course builds upon existing GCSE knowledge and focuses on improving communication in your foreign language through different means, as well as helping you to use it practically in a variety of situations.

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The course caters for a wide range of musical interests and musical styles. It involves performing and composing as well as development through listening and analysis.

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There are three main strands of study in this subject: philosophy of religion, religious ethics, and a social and historical study of religion.

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The PE A Level course covers a mixture of theory (70%) and coursework (30%), building on the foundation of GCSE PE: scientific, psychological and social principles of PE. Personal performance in one area of playing sport or coaching and the analysis of performance in one sport.

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The course is designed to encourage students to progress smoothly from previous GCSE studies in Physics and develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of physics. Students gain hands-on practical skills and data-analysis skills as well as an appreciation of how science works and its relevance beyond the laboratory. The course develops links to other sciences and shows how the subject underpins important technologies.

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Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and human behaviour. It is a fascinating and challenging course that will delve into the complex relationship that exists between our mental processes and our behaviour. Psychology is a science with cutting-edge research that has many real-world applications to issues in everyday life, ranging from artificial intelligence to mental health treatments.

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Sociology has been referred to as the science of society and people. The role of the sociologist is to research possible reasons and solutions to many of the world’s pressing questions and issues. The AQA course begins the essential training of looking at these social phenomena from a sociological approach.

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Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an A Level-standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop your abilities beyond the A Level syllabus and prepare you for university or your future career.

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Should you need any help or advice, please contact Mrs Sian Marker – Head of Sixth Form

or Mrs Franco – Head of Careers

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