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Examination Board: AQA

What is the course about?

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an A Level-standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop your abilities beyond the A Level syllabus and prepare you for university or your future career.

The EPQ is worth half an A Level (28 UCAS points) and is recognised by universities and employers. Many universities make lower A Level offers to students undertaking an EPQ.

What you will study

The EPQ allows you to lead your own projects. You get to plan and carry out research on a topic that you have chosen and is not covered by your other qualifications. You can take inspiration from something touched on in class or something personal and unrelated to your studies. You can then use this research to produce a written report and, in the case of practical projects, an artefact or a production.

By taking responsibility for the choice, design and decision making of an individual project (or an individual role in a group project) you can:

  • Become more critical, reflective and independent learners.
  • Develop and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Increase your planning, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and presentation skills.
  • Learn to apply technologies confidently.
  • Demonstrate creativity, initiative and enterprise.

The EPQ starts in September of Year 12, is completed before the summer and requires 120 hours of independent work and 30 hours of taught skills. You will have one lesson a week allocated to your EPQ on your timetable and will be expected to complete the rest in your own study periods.

How is the course assessed?

100% coursework. You will complete a production log/diary, 5,000-word dissertation and a presentation.

Benefits of an EPQ

  • Research shows that students who complete an EPQ perform better in their A Levels.
  • Increased motivation and self-discipline.
  • Enables students to apply their new skills to other areas of study.

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