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Examination Board: AQA

What is the course about?

The course is designed to build on the knowledge and skills acquired at GCSE. It offers a diverse blend of both modern and Tudor history, whilst focusing on how governments maintain control. Throughout the course, students will encounter a wide range of interesting and influential characters who have helped shape the modern world such as Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King and Adolf Hitler.

In Year 12 you will study:

Component 1
The Tudors: England 1485-1547

Component 2
Democracy and Nazism, 1918-1933

In Year 13 you will study:

Component 1
The Tudors: England 1547-1603

Component 2
Democracy and Nazism, 1933-1945

Component 3
Historical Investigation – American Civil Rights 1865-1968

How is the course assessed?

At the end of Year 12 you will be assessed by two school examinations. At the end of Year 13 you will be assessed by a combination of public examinations and coursework.

What skills will I need and develop in this course?

At A Level, students are taught to develop a range of skills which will aid them in their university studies and future careers. Students are encouraged to become independent learners through preparing presentations, role plays and course notes using the wide range of books available in the school library. Debate is an integral part of the course and the students learn to present clear, concise and well-supported arguments. Through the continued study of historical sources students will develop their powers of analysis and interpretation.

Subject combination advice

History and English has long been seen as a traditional combination as both subjects focus on literacy skills. In recent years there has been a growing number of science students choosing history in order to add breadth to their studies.

What can the course lead to in terms of higher education and future careers?

The skills acquired on the course help prepare students for careers in law, journalism, politics and business management.

What are the formal entry requirements?

History GCSE, Grade 6 or above, but candidates who have not studied history to this level will be eligible to join the course provided they have a Grade 7, 8 or 9 in English language at GCSE.

What activities enrich this subject?

A Level students benefit from attending lectures delivered by leading historians, going on trips to places of historical interest, joining the school’s History Society, and by conducting wider reading and thorough independent research.

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