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Examination Board: OCR

What is the course about?

A Level Latin allows learners to develop their understanding of the Latin language and the related ancient literature, values and society. It will introduce learners to a wide range of vocabulary, accidence and syntax. A Level Latin involves an in-depth study of Latin prose and verse.

In Year 12 you will study:

The OCR A Level in Latin will extend the study of ancient literature in breadth and depth, further developing learners’ ability to critically analyse and evaluate ancient literature. Learners will study one prose set text and one verse set text. Learners are required to understand and appreciate the literary context for the set texts by reading an appropriate supporting selection of ancient literature in translation. The set texts change every two years.

In Year 13 you will:

  • Translate a passage of unseen narrative prose into English.
  • Translate a passage of unseen verse into English.
  • Scan two lines of verse.
For examination from 2018 until 2026, the unseen prose passage will be taken from Livy and the unseen verse passage will be taken from Ovid.

How is the course assessed?

This course is assessed by examination only, with three external exams at the end of Year 13.

What skills will I need and develop in this course?

Learners will develop their understanding of the Latin language and the related ancient literature, values and society.

Subject combination advice

Latin is best taken with classical civilisation but complements most arts-based subjects, English, history and mathematics.

What can the course lead to in terms of higher education and future careers?

While a career in academia is certainly high up on the list of job options, classics graduates have been known to go into law, medicine, education, science, business, journalism, heritage and the diplomatic service.

What are the formal entry requirements?

The specification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills specified for GCSE (9–1) Latin. A minimum of a Grade 5 in Latin GCSE is required.

What activities enrich this subject?

There is an abundance of classical associations in Surrey; these offer talks and lectures from Oxford dons on the set texts and on topics of a more general interest to classics students. Trips to Oxbridge Classics departments and to museums are also possible, when available.

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