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Examination Board: Edexcel

What is the course about?

A mixture of theory (70%) and coursework (30%), building on the foundation of GCSE PE: scientific, psychological and social principles of PE. Personal performance in one area of playing sport or coaching and the analysis of performance in one sport. Coursework tasks relate to both the performance and theory components.

In Year 12 you will study:

Applied anatomy and exercise physiology, and applied movement analysis, sport psychology, skill acquisition, sport and society.

In Year 13 you will study:

Applied anatomy and exercise physiology, and applied movement analysis, sport psychology, skill acquisition, sport and society. Practical performance/coaching in one sport.

How is the course assessed?

70% examination questions, 30% coursework (15% practical and 15% coursework). Practical performance assessed by video; analysis coursework.

What skills will I need and develop in this course?

Strong knowledge and interest base in science, psychology and sport as an entity. Practical performance to a high level in one sport is essential. Analytical skills are required in both practical and theoretical aspects. Interest in a variety of high-level sports with a desire to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the demands facing elite sports performers.

Subject combination advice:

PE relates well to many other subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, history, geography, psychology, business studies, and sociology.

What can the course lead to in terms of higher education and future careers?

Sports-related degree courses as well as almost any other subject. Many PE A Level students go on to study physical education, physiotherapy, sports psychology, occupational therapy, or sports science at university.

What are the formal entry requirements?

Minimum Grade 6 at GCSE PE and preferred Grade 6 in biology and English language. One sport at a good competitive level.

What activities enrich this subject?

Practical participation in competitive sport, physical fitness training and spectating/reading about current elite sport issues. Reading autobiographies of elite performers.

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