Performing Arts

There are some great trips in ND6, which typically offer an educational element, new experiences, adventure and usually some shopping! These have recently included New York/Washington, Christmas market/ Disneyland Paris, Florence/Venice, NASA Space Centre, a ski trip and sports tours. There is also a multitude of educational trips and residentials, including lectures, masterclasses, field trips, gallery, museum and theatre visits and academic challenges.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Many of our girls continue with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in Sixth Form and work towards both their Silver and Gold awards, supported by our Duke of Edinburgh coordinator.
Green Committee
The green committee is a Sixth Form led initiative to promote sustainability within the school. The Sixth Form students play a vital role in running the green committee council and implementing change to better protect our environment.
ND6 have their own garden and grow and maintain a number of produce. They support the lower years in our weekly gardening club.
Prefects are elected by both staff and students and this role is highly regarded and important to our school community. The role of a Prefect is a varied one; one that carries a lot of respect and responsibility. Each prefect is assigned a year group to work with throughout their time in the role, acting as a supportive role model and facilitating student voice.

Prefect Roles
Together with the Head and Deputy Head Girl, the prefects are responsible for leading the school council. Student voice is extremely important to us here at Notre Dame and with this in mind, we have a participatory budget scheme within the Sixth Form. That is, prefects together with the student council have a percentage of the school budget which they can spend as they wish to better improve the school and its community.
Through PILLARS, we aim to foster growth in areas such as personal skills, independence, leadership, aspirations, relationships, and spiritual exploration. PILLARS encapsulates ‘education’ in its broadest and truest sense: it opens the students’ minds to the range of possibilities that the world offers in terms of interests, careers, political views, religious beliefs, philosophical outlook, higher education, health and practical life skills. The fact that the subject is not examined at Notre Dame means that a spirit of genuine exploration can be generated, rather than a rigid or functional approach.